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Participation of the UIHJ in Two Working Groups of the CEPEJ


The UIHJ participated in the meetings of the Working Groups of the CEPEJ on Evaluation of Justice on 27 and 28 September 2017 and on Quality of Justice on 19 October 2017

The UIHJ was represented at these two meetings by its Secretary General, Mathieu Chardon. The 33rd meeting of the CEPEJ working group on the evaluation of justice (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) was held at the Council of Europe's offices in Venice, Italy. The meeting was chaired by its President, Jean-Paul Jean (France). The main theme concerned the organization and content of the next evaluation cycle 2016-2018, which will give rise to the 7th Report of the CEPEJ on European Judicial Systems to be published in 2018. In this respect, the CEPEJ provides for a specific study on the judicial professionals. The CEPEJ entrusted this study to the UIHJ with regard to the profession of judicial officer. This study is in progress. The European Commission's Justice Scoreboard, in cooperation with the CEPEJ, was also discussed, as was cooperation with the CEPEJ Working Group on Mediation (CEPEJ-GT-MED), and the working group responsible for revising the definitions used by the CEPEJ.

The 22nd meeting of the CEPEJ Working Group on Quality of justice (CEPEJ-GT-QUAL) was held at the Council of Europe's headquarters in Strasbourg, France. The meeting was chaired by its President, François Paychère (Switzerland). The topics covered a comparative study with voluntary jurisdictions  for better access to justice, justice and media, access to justice at numeric era, going further with Cyberjustice Guidelines, presentation of the CQFD project (Court Quality Framework Design) on the quality of justice, or the review of the definitions used by the CEPEJ working groups.
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