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The CEPEJ is currently in the spotlight with the publication on 16 October 2024 of its 10th biennial Evaluation Report on European Judicial Systems (2022 data). This report, freely available on the CEPEJ website, contains a set of extremely precise and detailed data concerning 44 of the 46 member states of the Council of Europe, as well as Israel and Morocco, making it possible to measure the efficiency and quality of the judicial systems of these countries.

Bringing together a myriad of data, the report focuses on all aspects of justice: justice budget, justice professionals, access to justice, court efficiency, information and communication technologies, as well as a complete overview of the functioning of the judicial system of each State based on key indicators, and finally a dynamic database (CEPEJ-STAT) which allows to extract, cross-reference and compare data.

This report is the result of two years of dedicated work by the CEPEJ Working Group on Evaluation of Justice (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL). During the meeting of 17 and 18 October 2024, Francesco Depasquale, CEPEJ President, Jaša Vrabec, CEPEJ-GT-EVAL President, Muriel Décot, CEPEJ Secretary, Christel Schurrer, CEPEJ-GT-EVAL Secretary, the members and experts of this working group as well as the CEPEJ observer members, discussed at length the 2024 Evaluation Report, the preparation of the next evaluation cycle, the possible reform of the CEPEJ evaluation cycles, or the creation of new indicators (efficiency and IT, quality measurement).

Concerning the specific study on justice professionals in the context of the report, Mathieu Chardon, Secretary-General of the UIHJ, mentioned the report written in 2024 on behalf of the UIHJ by Professor Guillaume Payan, member of the Scientific Council of the UIHJ, on enforcement agents.

The meeting also discussed cooperation with the European Commission, through the Justice Scoreboard and Eurostat, the Western Balkans Scoreboard, and the Western Partnership Countries Scoreboard.

Finally, a concept note was discussed on the theme of work-life balance in judicial systems, a common theme for the four CEPEJ working groups (CEPEJ GT-EVAL, CEPEJ GT-QUAL on Quality of Justice, CEPEJ-GT-SATURN on Judicial Time Management, and CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST on Cyberjustice and Artificial Intelligence).


Link to the 2024 CEPEJ Evaluation Report on the European Judicial Systems: Click here.