Meeting Of UIHJ, ENP & Togolese NCJO With The President Of The Republic of Togo
On 11 April 2008, At The Presidential Palace In Lome, Mr. Faure Gnassingbé, President Of The Republic of Togo received A Delegation Led By Jacques Isnard, President Of The UIHJ, At The Time Of The International Seminar Organised By The National Chamber Of Judicial Officers Of Togo.
From L. to R. : Honoré Aggrey, Permanent Secretary of the UIHJ for the Central and Western Africa, Jean-Michel Rouzaud, president of the National School of Procedure of Paris, Jacques Isnard, president of the UIHJ, Kokoe Gaba dos Reis, president of the National chamber of Judicial Officers of Togo, Kokou Tozoun, Minister for justice of Togo, General Ayeva, Director of Cabinet of the President of the Republic
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The UIHJ Sensitive To The Marks Of Interest Shown By The Head Of The State Towards The Judicial Officers
The delegation consisted in:
- Honoré Aggrey, permanent secretary of the UIHJ for Central and Western Africa
- Jean-Michel Rouzaud, president of the National School of Procedure of Paris
- Kokoe Gaba Dos Reis, president of the national Chamber of the judicial officers of Togo.
The delegation of judicial officers was joined by Mr. Kokou Tozoun, Minister for justice.
After a presentation by Mrs Gaba of the members of the UIHJ - ENP - National Chamber of Togo group, the president of the Republic welcomed his hosts and mentioned all his interest in the works of the seminar, for which he showed to have a real knowledge by commenting on the topics which were treated there.
President Isnard said how much the delegation UIHJ was sensitive to the marks of interests shown by the President of the Republic towards his profession after which, it returned to Honoré Aggrey to approach the rejected project of a uniform act relating to a harmonized statute of the judicial officers of the Ohada zone.
An Interest Of The President Of The Republic For The initiative Of The Judicial Officers For A Uniform Act Project Of A Harmonised Statute Of Judicial Officer In The Ohada Zone
After having briefly described the contents of the report of this subject and indicated the disappointment of the judicial officers in front of the rejection by the Council of Ministers of Ohada, the permanent secretary of the UIHJ insisted near the president of the Republic on the exceptional character of the initiative which was unanimously approved by the presidents of the national chambers of the judicial officers of the Ohada zone and the interest which such an instrument presented.
Honoré Aggrey insisted on the advantages conferred by a unified statute of the profession. According to him such a uniform act would perfectly fit in the line of the unifying treaty of Ohada, in as much as its basic elements are all joined together there.
The president of the Republic showed his interest for the approved initiative by proposing to associate his peers and by inviting the Minister for Justice to focus his attention on the topic.
Ohada: A Major Promoting Tool
In the prolongation of the interview, the president of the UIHJ, by explicitly referring to the project of Ohadac (Caribbean), stressed the major promoting tool which is the treaty of Ohada and its uniform acts and its driving effect.
The president of the ENP of Paris, Jean-Michel Rouzaud, was to enclose the interventions by a talk on the actions carried out by the ENP of Paris within the framework of the training of African judicial officers.
These remarks gave rise to a last reaction of the president of the Republic, curious to be informed on the functioning of training and on the conditions of access to the occupation of judicial officer.
At the term of the audience, the president of the Republic was to receive from the hands of the permanent secretary, on delegation of president Isnard, the gold medal of the UIHJ.