Launch of the ENABLE e-Justice Project
The Management Team of the EU Financed Project Enable of the UIHJ Met for the First Time in Athens on 24 and 25 January 2017
During the meeting, from L. to R.: Jos Uitdehaag, Secretary of the board of the UIHJ, Georges Grigoris, Member of the board of the UIHJ, Tanya Kagia and Despita Tsolakaki (European Centre for Constitutional Law), Françoise Andrieux, President of the UIHJ, George Pangalos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
The Enable Project (Enabling Dematerialized Access to Information and Assets for Judicial Enforcement of Claims in the European Union) in which the UIHJ cooperates with the University of Thessaloniki and the Centre for Constitutional European Law, serves the broad objective of promoting solutions for dematerialized exchanges in the area of e-Justice where a real possibility for safe and secure electronic communication and service of documents and enforcement of judgements would exist.
The UIHJ was represented to this meeting by its President, Françoise Andrieux, and by its Secretary of the Board, Jos Uitdehaag. Other participants were Maria Mousmouti, Tanya Kagia and Despita Tsolakaki, from the Centre for Constitutional European Law, and George Pangalos and Kolitsi Zoi, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Within the project an in depth comparative analytical work, mapping the existing situation and pilot solutions in eight EU Member states (Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands and Portugal), assessing the interoperability and compatibility of existing methods for certification, electronic communication, e-signature and e-service of documents and visualizing future alternative scenarios.
In the coming two years the Enable Project will aim to:
a) Make inventories and map existing procedures, systems and e-justice practices in eight EU MS
b) Assess the interoperability and compatibility of national systems in the participating countries
c) Identify bottlenecks and good practices and enable exchange and discussion between MS
d) Propose alternative scenarios for coordinating existing systems in order to ensure a comprehensive system of access to information and dematerialized exchanges (e-signatures, e-certification, databases, etc.)
e) Propose technical specifications and architecture of supporting systems required for this purpose.
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