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The UIHJ Meets the Minister for Justice of Moldova at the Council of Europe


At the time of the roundtable which was held on 15 and 16 March 2010 at the Council of Europe on non-execution or delayed execution of domestic court decisions, the UIHJ met Alexandru Tanase, Minister for Justice of Moldova

From L. to R.: Valeriu Devderea, Director of the Enforcement Department of the ministry of Justice of Moldova, Veaceslav Negruta, minister of Finances of Moldova, Alexandru Tanase, minister for justice of Moldova, Mathieu Chardon, 1st Secretary of the UIHJ, Rodica Secreriu, advisor of the Minister of justice of Moldova, Vera Macinskala, Vice-President of the Civil and Administrative chamber of the Supreme Court of Moldova, Vladimir Grosu, State agent, minister of Justice of Moldova
The Moldovan delegation at the roundtable was strongly represented by Alexandru Tanase, Minister for justice, Veaceslav Negruta, Minister for Finances, Vera Macinskala, Vice-President of the Civil and administrative chamber of the Supreme Court and Valeriu Devderea, Head of the Enforcement Department of the ministry for justice of Moldova. Reforms concerning the occupation of judicial officers are currently in hand in Moldova and Mr. Tanase agreed to grant us an interview to speak about them.

Which is the current situation at the present time as regards enforcement of court decisions in Moldova?

For the moment our system is not functioning as regards the so-called State Bailiffs. This system was not reformed since the Soviet times. The reality during the Soviet times and the reality today are absolutely different. For this reason we wanted to make deep reforms in this area.

What is the state of the reforms in progress?

On Friday [19 March 2010], I hope, this new law to set up a new system of private bailiff will pass at Parliament. It means that from the 1st of September [2010] we will have a new system. This is very important for us. We think it is a significant step on the way to start to finalize and harmonize the judicial process to enforce judgments.

What are the expected outcome of this reform?

If a judgment is not enforced, it means the judgment does not exist because it does not produce effects. It's unusual for our country to privatize some services, but we have an experience. Fifteen years ago our Government reformed the institution of notaries. For the moment we have only private notaries and not State notaries and this was a success. And we hope that the reform of the bailiff system will be and must be a success.
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