Irak Yelekeev voted UIHJ Man of the Year 2008
At the time of the Permanent council in Paris on 27 November 2008, Irak Yelekeev, Chairman of Committee on judicial administration at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was voted Man of the Year of the UIHJ for 2008.
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Yelekeev Irak Kasymovich - the deserving lawyer of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, was born on May 20, year 1947 in village Ganyushkino, Kurmangazinskiy district of Atyrau region. He is married and has 3 children.
He began his working activities in year 1963 as worker at Administration of Workers Supply № 14 in settlement Aksuyek of Zhambylskaya region. Then, in year 1965 he worked as the crane operator. Same year he was promoted to an apprentice of the electrician. Since year 1968 he continued his professional activity in a city of Almaty, working as the electrician of 5th category in trust "Алматыкульбытстрой".
After one year I.Yelekeev started to work in the Kazakh telecasting studio. Since year 1969 till year 1972 he worked as locksmith, brigade leader and shift foreman at brickyard No 3 in Almaty.
In 1977, after the graduation of faculty of law of the Kazakh State University named after Kirov he was the trainee, but later - a member of Mangyshlaksky regional court.
From 1980 till 1988 he worked as the Deputy Chief of Department of Justice of Mangyshlaksky regional executive committee.
In 1988 he was appointed as the Head of Administration of Justice of Atyrau region. While working in judicial authorities, I.Yelekeev was at the process of establishment of institute of private notaries and self-financing system in bodies of Registry Office.
In 1996 I.Yelekeev was elected as the member of Majilis (lower house) of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was the member of the Committee on legislation and judicial - legal reform. He took active part in preparation of drafts of law for consideration at Chamber sessions.
1999 I.Yelekeev was appointed as the Head of Apparatus of the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Having worked on this post for three years, he became vice-Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 2003 till 2004 I.Yelekeev was the adviser to the Chairman of Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 2004 till 2007 he worked as the vice-president of Committee on judicial administration at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since January, 2008 I.Yelekeev is the Chairman of Committee on judicial administration at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Yelekeev I.K. is awarded with a breast badge (breastplate) «For successes in work», medals "Astana" and «Eren еңбегі үшін», he is the owner of certificates of honour. Now under his direct management the idea of establishment in Kazakhstan the profession of private judicial officers carries forward.
For all this competences and his will to help establishing contacts with countries in the far east of Europe and the western part of Asia, Mr Yelekeev was voted UIHJ Man of the Year 2008 during the permanent council of the UIHJ that took place in Paris on 27 November 2008.
The trophy was handed to him by Jacques Isnard during the European Conference of the Presidents of National Chambers or Orders of judicial officers which took place in Paris on 16 and 17 April 2009.