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Second Meeting of the CEPEJ GT-EXE working group on Enforcement


On 15 and 16 October 2009, the UIHJ took part in Strasbourg (France) in the second meeting of working group (CEPEJ-GT-EXE) set up by the European commission for Efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe

From L. to R.: Leo Netten, John Marston, Mathieu Chardon, Ana Lovrinov, Georg Stawa, Claire Notari, Geert Lankhorst, Karl-Heinz Brunner, Fokion Georgakopoulos, John Stacey
The object of this working group is to prepare guidelines for a better implementation of the existing recommendation on enforcement (Rec (2003) 17 of September 9th, 2003 of the Committee of the ministers the Member States of the Council of Europe). The working group consists of Andrei Abramov (Russian Federation), Karl-Heinz Brunner (Germany), Mathieu Chardon (France, 1st secretary of the UIHJ), Fokion Georgakopoulos (Greece), Geert Lankhorst (Netherlands), Anna Lovrinov (Croatia), Leo Netten (Netherlands, president of the UIHJ), Claire Notari (Monaco), John Marston (England - chairman of the working group), John Stacey (England - vice-president of the CEPEJ) and Georg Stawa (Austria). The secretariat is ensured by Stephan Leyenberger and Muriel Decot, respectively secretary and assistant secretary of the CEPEJ. It is in its quality of observer member of the CEPEJ that the UIHJ was invited to take part in the work.
After the first meeting of 29 and 30 January 2009 (see our article on our website) the members of the working group prepared recommendations on the topics which had been allotted to them. Then Julien Lhuillier, lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Lausanne (Swiss), was charged to draft the recommendation. Mr. Lhuillier had already worked on a CEPEJ report on enforcement of court decisions in Europe in 2007.
During two fruitful days, the group widely approached and debated the various topics: accessibility of enforcement services, notices to parties and third parties, enforceable titles, enforcement agents, information about defendants and assets, costs of enforcement, timeframe and reports, as well as supervision, control and disciplinary procedures. During the meeting Leo Netten and Mathieu Chardon discussed the points of view promoted by the UIHJ, in particular regarding training, service of documents, and the multi-field activities of the judicial officers.
The final recommendations will be presented to the CEPEJ at its next full session on 9 and 10 December 2009
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