The UIHJ was represented by Mathieu Chardon, Secretary General. The first meeting brought together the members of the CEPEJ Working Group on the Evaluation of Judicial Systems (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) chaired by Jean-Paul Jean. The main purpose of the second meeting was to prepare, with the national correspondents of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe, the next cycle of evaluation of judicial systems in Europe. It was chaired by the President of the CEPEJ, Georg Stawa. It should be noted that Morocco and Israel will also participate in this exercise.
During the first meeting, among the items on the agenda, the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL presented the new Evaluation scheme to complete the data for the purpose of the next evaluation report. The report is expected to be published in autumn 2018. It will be based on 2016 data. Co-operation - considered as excellent - with the European Union in the framework of the European Union Justice Scoreboard was also discussed.
The possibility of carrying out a specific study on legal professions was also mentioned in the margins of the report on judicial systems. The UIHJ, as well as the other legal professions in attendance, welcomed very favourably this proposal initiated by the notaries. This exercise should be able to start soon on the ground of the CEPEJ data. These data could be completed by other data in the possession of professional organisations. Mathieu Chardon indicated that 37 European countries were members of the UIHJ and that the UIHJ had a lot of information on the profession of judicial officer through its questionnaires.
During the meeting of the national correspondents, the Working principles of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL were recalled by Jean-Paul Jean. Then an exchange of views took place on the answers to the Evaluation scheme. The secretariat of the CEPEJ also reminded the data quality check control principles.
The CEPEJ report on judicial systems is published every two years. The 2016 report is available at:
The European Union Justice Scoreboard is published annually. The 2017 Scoreboard is available on the following link: