FNTC was established in 2001. It includes the professionals of dematerialization that are operators and trust service providers (actors of electronic archiving, certification, timestamp and dematerialized exchanges), trust solutions publishers and integrators, experts and representatives of users as well as institutional and regulated professions, including the profession of judicial officers. The FNTC aims to build trust in the digital space to promote security and quality of services, and ensure compliance with a code of ethics of the profession. Its president, Alain Bobant is a French judicial officer well known to the UIHJ. As an expert in information and communication technology at global level, he regularly works alongside the UIHJ.
The auditorium of the National Chamber of the Judicial Officers of France sold out for this international conference which brought together many professionals as well as the World Bank and the European Commission. The UIHJ was represented by its General Secretary, Françoise Andrieux, and its First Secretary, Mathieu Chardon. Patrick Sannino, president of the National Chamber of the Judicial Officers of France, welcomed the participants stressing the importance of the subject that would be developed by prestigious speakers.
In his introductory speech, Alain Bobant recalled that the establishment of an area of digital trust is a key objective of the European Union. He announced that on 3 April 2014, the European Parliament adopted a legislative resolution on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS). This regulation will establish a transnational legal framework for electronic transactions covering identification, authentication and electronic signatures.
The Assistance for Development of Trade in Economic and Financial Technologies (
Adetef) is the French operator for international cooperation for the Ministries of Finance, Budget and Sustainable Development. For its director of the digital economy, Alain Ducass, digital identity is the cornerstone of any digital strategy. Digital identity is the technological link created between a real entity (a person, an organization, and an object) and a virtual entity (or its digital representations). He referred to the various European programmes:
Stork and Stork 2.0 (Secure IdenTity AcrOss BoRders LinKed);
PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online );
E- Codex (e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange) ;
EpSOS (European Patients Smart Open Services ;
SPOCS (Simple Procedures Online for Cross-Border Services) ;
E-SENS (Single European Electronic Networked Services).
Jean-Jacques Léandri, e-Government Advisor to the General Secretariat for the modernization of the French public action (SGMAP), referred to the European digital interconnection mechanisms and the Agenda for Europe 2014-2020 (Connecting Europe Facility: ). The draft eIDAS Regulation was presented by Fabrice Mattalia, General Council of the Economy, Industry, Energy and Technology (France). He described in detail the objectives and principles of the Regulation: mutual recognition of digital identity and interoperability of trust services through electronic signature, electronic seal, timestamp, value of electronic documents and authentication websites. Jérôme Bordier (SealWeb company), discussed the mutual recognition of electronic signatures within the
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
Then a round table was held on current European pilot programmes. It included Lefteris Leontaridis (e-SENS), Mathieu Jeandron (SGMAP), Thierry Amadieu and Jon Olmes (Open PEPPOL) and Dan Butnay (Stork 2.0). Finally, Mariana Dahan, Senior Consultant on Telecommunications Infrastructure at the World Bank recalled that the objectives of the World Bank are fight against poverty and work for prosperity in the world. She mentioned that digital identity make it possible to know precisely who the beneficiaries of social programmes are. In this regard, the World Bank focuses on three components: support projects in countries with which the World Bank is working, partnerships with private and public sectors, and knowledge sharing.
This technical and instructive symposium helped apprehend, identify and understand present and future challenges in the field of electronic exchanges and their security, an area where the intervention of the judicial officer appears to be crucial.