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Kick Off Meeting of European Projects at the European Commission


Representatives of the European project ENABLE, operated by the consortium formed by the UIHJ, CECL and the University of Thessaloniki, took part on 28 March 2017 in Brussels in the Kick off Meeting of the European projects selected following call for proposals JUST-2015-JCOO-AG-1 and JUST-2015-JACC-AG-1, and organised by the European Commission.

The Enable project (Enabling Dematerialized Access to Information and Assets) in which the UIHJ participates in the consortium formed with the University of Thessaloniki and the Centre for Constitutional European Law (CECL), serves the broad objective of promoting solutions for dematerialised exchanges in the area of e-Justice where a real possibility for safe and secure electronic communication and service of documents and enforcement of judgements would exist. The project concerns eight EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Portugal. Its duration is two years.

The project aims to:
a) Make inventories and map existing procedures, systems and e-justice practices in eight EU member States;
b) Assess the interoperability and compatibility of national systems in the participating countries
c) Identify bottlenecks and good practices and enable exchange and discussion between Member States;
d) Propose alternative scenarios for coordinating existing systems in order to ensure a comprehensive system of access to information and dematerialised exchanges (e-signatures, e-certification, databases, etc.);
e) Propose technical specifications and architecture of supporting systems required for this purpose.

Mathieu Chardon, Secretary General of the UIHJ, and Antonia Kagia, Administrative and Financial Director of CECL represented the ENABLE project. Essentially technical, the object of the meeting for the European Commission was to present and remind beneficiaries of European projects administrative and financial rules in force. The representatives of the European Commission spoke in detail about the requirements for their proper functioning. The speakers provided examples and participants could exchange and obtain clear answers to all their questions during this informative day.
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